Richard has just celebrated his 70th birthday and because the boys are living overseas now it was difficult to know how the throw an occasion for this event as it would only be a few people that would be able to attend, so I decided that it would be way better to spoil him with a bit of a posh trip.

Monday, 4th November,  we Ubered (and yes we have mastered the Uber thing) to the airport. We checked in on our Kulula flight and for the first time on a local flight we used the Slow Lounge. We are getting posh. Richard discovered chocolate croissants were high on his like list at the Slow Lounge.

We proceeded to the gates to board and out allocated gate stated that this was a Cape Town flight. The assistant then sent us off on a wild chase to another gate on another floor with loads of other passengers bound for George in tow and in a panic. By the time we found someone willing to help us all we had approximately seven minutes left before take off. Don’t we just love South African ways of doing things.

In George we picked up out car and off to the Oubaai Hotel Golf & Spa for a few days of rest.

The hotel is lovely and luxurious but the rooms are so far from the reception you have to be transported by golf car each time, rain or sunshine. It must be a logistical nightmare if the hotel is full booked.. Hang on while you watch the video.

We did have some rest over the next four days. Did loads of reading and eating and sleeping.

We even did a bit of sight seeing at Victoria Bay, Herholdts Bay but it was raining and very windy but very beautiful. Wilderness, Salina’s Beach Restaurant, where we had a scrumptious lunch of calamari, beer battered chips, Stella Artois and wine, looking out over the ocean. We had early supper at the Ernie Els Golf Clubhouse one afternoon and even though there was lots of rain, we had a good time.

Friday morning it was back home and doing some washing and ironing because we have another unexpected trip to Algeria. It was all last minute planning and organizing when Richard was called for Jury Duty at the African Shooting Championships in Algeria.